Friday, December 19, 2008

Yesterday I went to a home for girls. Their parents are very poor, so the girls stay in the capital, are fed and have better opportunities in regards to their education. Father Francisco, his family and the young orthodox group goes almost every Thursday to hang out with them. It was such a blessing to go yesterday.

While I was there I thought one of the girls was shaking my chair, but in fact it was an earthquake between 5.9-6.3 that I was feeling. It was so crazy!!! Also, early this morning I felt 3 more smaller earthquakes. It shook my apartment building, and everything in my room was moving. Thankfully the building I live in is very new and they keep earthquakes in mind when constructing. The security gaurd at my building says there´s more to come. The last huge earthquake in Chile was in 1985.

I will pray that the next huge one isn´t in 2008 or 2009 and enjoy the movements!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear that you're O.K.! When I was in Japan over the summer we had a 6.8 earthquake and it was pretty frightening. Well I hope you're having fun...

Anna and Allie said...

Thanks John. Yeah, earthquakes are scary when you´re not used to them! Everyone here isn´t scared, so that helps me relax a little more.
Hope you are doing well and soon ejoying the Christmas break! Christ is Born, Glorify Him!

Mindy said...

Whoa! That is super scary! I hope you have practiced your "sit Indian-style and put your hands over your head and your head in your lap" precaution! Be careful over there, Curry. We want you to come back in one piece.