Monday, January 5, 2009

My new address is:

Maturana 557
Comuna Santiago
Barrio Brasil
Santiago, Chile

The picture below: (left to right) of Evelyn (Chile), myself, Jaime (Chile), Alex (Germany), and Fernando (Brasil). Jaime is a friend of Alex and doesn't live in the hostel. The picture is missing a couple of people who live in the hostel including a girl from Texas (another United States citizen!). They are all wonderful people. Good times!


Anna and Allie said...

Oh yeah, notice we are all wearing glasses. I don't wear glasses, but Fernando loaned me a pair of his to fit in. :)

FeRnAnDo said...

La chica de blanco con las gafas se ve muy, pero muy guapa. ;-)

Joel and Tessi said...

So hey I sent that book to the old address you gave me... I hope you still get it? Let me know if I need to change anything.
